
Stamp Widget Generator

Please specify the UID of the Stamp you want the embeddable widget
UID format is correct
Invalid UID format
Add optional color comma separated color attributes, as <attr1>:<value1>,<attr2>:<value2>
Available attributes: width(int),status_visible(true|false),bg-color(color),text-color(color),logo-color(color),border-color(color)
HTML+JS code to embed the widget in a page.
URL to directly retrieve the widget SVG code.

Authority Widget Generator

Please specify the Authority Name you want the embeddable widget
Authority name is correct
Invalid Authority name
Add optional color comma separated color attributes, as <attr1>:<value1>,<attr2>:<value2>
Available attributes: Available attributes: width(int),auth-bg-color(color),auth-text-color(color),auth-logo-color(color)
HTML+JS code to embed the widget in a page.
URL to directly retrieve the widget SVG code.

Filter Widget Generator

Please specify the authority name
Authority must be specified
Please specify the field selection name
Field must be specified
Please specify the field selection value
Field value must be specified
Please specify if result is limited to first match
Add optional color comma separated color attributes, as <attr1>:<value1>,<attr2>:<value2>
Available attributes: all attributes supported by the Stamp Widget plus auth-bg-color(color),auth-logo-color(color),auth-text-color(color)
HTML+JS code to embed the widget in a page.
URL to directly retrieve the widget SVG code.